A. 2 lb. pork loin 4 T. flour salt
2 T. wine or sherry 2 T. cornstarch accent
4 T. say sauce oil for deep-frying
B. 4 slices pineapple, quartered 3 carrots cut in two
2 green peppers, quartered and seeded (small wedges and boiled for 8 minutes.)
1 onion (4 oz) quartered 1 can (4 oz) bamboo shoots 5 T. oil
C. 12 t. sugar 4 T. vinegar 2 T. cornstarch
8 T. soy sauce 4 T. Ketchup mixed with 1 c.
2 T. wine 4 T. tomato sauce water
Cut pork into 1 1/2″ cubes and mix with other A ingredients (except oil). Marinate 1-2 hours then fry pork in deep fat until golden brown. Turn out onto plate. Heat frying pan, add % T. oil and sauté. B. ingredients mix C. ingredients (except cornstarch mix) and add to sautéed B. ingredients. When mixture boils add cornstarch mix. Add fried pork and mix well. Serve hot with rice.